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Dashaavataarhasta ( Ten inner soul of Lord Vishnu perform by hasta mudra )

Dashaavataarhasta ( Ten inner soul of Lord Vishnu perform by hasta mudra )


Dashaavatar hasta refers to the ten ( inner) souls of Vishnu ( God of Hindu ) perform by various hasta mudra. Vishnu is said to get off in form of a soul to show cosmic( artificial )  arrangement. The word Dashaavatar is identified from das means ‘ten’ and avatar means ‘soul ’which is equal to personification.  ‘Dashaavataar’ is explained with several hast mudras with their respective names.

  • Matsyaavatarhasta

  • Kurmaavatarhasta

  • Narsinghavatarhasta

  • Vammavatarhasta

  • Parshuramavatarhasta

  • Ramchandravatarhasta

  • Balramavatarhasta

  • Krishnavatarhasta

  • Kalakyavatarhasta


  • Matsyaavatarhasta Shloka

    Matsyahasta    Dashiyitva    Tattat : Skadhsamau    Karau |

    Dhrito    Matsyaavatarhasya   Hasta     Ityamithiyate |


Meaning of Matsyavatarhasta

When your both hands holding Matsya hasta mudra and lifted equal to shoulder is called Matsya avatar hasta.


  •  Kurmavatarhasta Shloka

Kurmahasta    Darshayitva   Tattat : Skandhsamau    Karau |

Dhritau   Kurmavatarhasta   Hasta    Ityamidhiyate |


Meaning of Kurmavathasta

When both hands are lifted up equal to shoulder by expressing varha-hasta mudra through both hands is called narhavatar-hasta .


  •                       Narsinghavatar Shloka

    Vaame   Singhmukh   Dhritva    Danino    Tripataakikaa |

    Narsinghvataarasya    Hasta     Datyamidhiyate |


Meaning of Narsinghvatarhasta

When appearance of narsinghavatar is shown through ( Singhmukh-hasta ) on left-hand and ( Tripataka-hasta ) on right-hand it is called narsinghavatar-hasta.


  • Vammavatarhasta Shloka

Udhavdho   Dhritmushthibhavam   Satyaanyaabhyathin ;   Yadi  Sthin ;|

Saa     Vaamnaavataarrsya      Hasta       Ityamidhiyate \\


Meaning of Vammavatarhasta

If your left hand is in ( mushthi-hasta ) position upwards while right hand is in ( mushthi-hasta ) position downwards it is called vammavatar hasta.


  • Parshuramvatarhasta Shloka

                     Kititatae    Nyaasya     Daptinopatakikaa \

                     Dhrita    Parshuraamsya    Hasta   Ityamidhiyate \


Meaning of Parshuramvatarhasta

Left hand is on waist and right-hand is in ( Ardhapataka-hasta ) mudra is called parshuramavatar hasta.


  • Ramchandravatarhasta Shloka

Kapitho    Dakshin    Hasta    Vamme    Tu    Shikhara :   Kar : \

Udharva   Dhrito    Ramchandrahasta   Ituchayet    Burdhae :\\


Meaning of Ramchandravatarhasta

If ( Kapith-hasta ) mudra is shown through right-hand and ( Shikahr-hasta ) mudra is shown through left-hand it is called ramchandravatar hasta.


  • Balramavatarhasta Shloka

Ptaako   Dakshin   Haste   Mushtivarmkare   Tathaa/

Balramvatarhasta   Hasta   Ityochayate   Budhae \


Meaning of Balaramvatarhasta

When balaramavatar hasta is represented through right-hand showing ( Pataka-hasta ) mudra and left-hand showing ( Mushthi-hasta ) mudra is called balaramavatar hasta.



  •                            Krishnavatarhasta Shloka

        Mrighshishe   Tu   Hastaaryaamanyonyaabhipurve   Krite                        

        Upaasyopkaraathe   Kripaansyahasta   Ituchayate    Kughe    


Meaning of Krishnavatarhasta

If ( Mrigshish-hasta ) is represented through both hands, left-hand facing innerwards and right-hand is facing outerwards it is called krishnavatar hasta.


  • Kalakyavatarhasta Shloka

Ptaako   Dakshine   Vaame   Tripataak  :  Karo  Dhrit :}

Kalakyakyaakhyasyaavataarsya   Hasta    Ityathighiyate 


Meaning of Kalakyavatarhasta

If right-hand hold ( Pataka-hasta ) and left-hand hold ( Tripataka-hasta ) then it is called kalakyavatar hasta.



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