Dashaavataarhasta ( Ten inner soul of Lord Vishnu perform by hasta mudra )
Dashaavatar hasta refers to the ten ( inner) souls of Vishnu ( God of Hindu ) perform by various hasta mudra. Vishnu is said to get off in form of a soul to show cosmic( artificial ) arrangement. The word Dashaavatar is identified from das means ‘ten’ and avatar means ‘soul ’which is equal to personification. ‘Dashaavataar’ is explained with several hast mudras with their respective names.
Matsyahasta Dashiyitva Tattat : Skadhsamau Karau |
Dhrito Matsyaavatarhasya Hasta Ityamithiyate |
Meaning of Matsyavatarhasta
When your both hands holding Matsya hasta mudra and lifted equal to shoulder is called Matsya avatar hasta.
Kurmahasta Darshayitva Tattat : Skandhsamau Karau |
Dhritau Kurmavatarhasta Hasta Ityamidhiyate |
Meaning of Kurmavathasta
When both hands are lifted up equal to shoulder by expressing varha-hasta mudra through both hands is called narhavatar-hasta .
Vaame Singhmukh Dhritva Danino Tripataakikaa |
Narsinghvataarasya Hasta Datyamidhiyate |
Meaning of Narsinghvatarhasta
When appearance of narsinghavatar is shown through ( Singhmukh-hasta ) on left-hand and ( Tripataka-hasta ) on right-hand it is called narsinghavatar-hasta.
Udhavdho Dhritmushthibhavam Satyaanyaabhyathin ; Yadi Sthin ;|
Saa Vaamnaavataarrsya Hasta Ityamidhiyate \\
Meaning of Vammavatarhasta
If your left hand is in ( mushthi-hasta ) position upwards while right hand is in ( mushthi-hasta ) position downwards it is called vammavatar hasta.
Kititatae Nyaasya Daptinopatakikaa \
Dhrita Parshuraamsya Hasta Ityamidhiyate \
Meaning of Parshuramvatarhasta
Left hand is on waist and right-hand is in ( Ardhapataka-hasta ) mudra is called parshuramavatar hasta.
Kapitho Dakshin Hasta Vamme Tu Shikhara : Kar : \
Udharva Dhrito Ramchandrahasta Ituchayet Burdhae :\\
Meaning of Ramchandravatarhasta
If ( Kapith-hasta ) mudra is shown through right-hand and ( Shikahr-hasta ) mudra is shown through left-hand it is called ramchandravatar hasta.
Ptaako Dakshin Haste Mushtivarmkare Tathaa/
Balramvatarhasta Hasta Ityochayate Budhae \
Meaning of Balaramvatarhasta
When balaramavatar hasta is represented through right-hand showing ( Pataka-hasta ) mudra and left-hand showing ( Mushthi-hasta ) mudra is called balaramavatar hasta.
Mrighshishe Tu Hastaaryaamanyonyaabhipurve Krite
Upaasyopkaraathe Kripaansyahasta Ituchayate Kughe
Meaning of Krishnavatarhasta
If ( Mrigshish-hasta ) is represented through both hands, left-hand facing innerwards and right-hand is facing outerwards it is called krishnavatar hasta.
Ptaako Dakshine Vaame Tripataak : Karo Dhrit :}
Kalakyakyaakhyasyaavataarsya Hasta Ityathighiyate
Meaning of Kalakyavatarhasta
If right-hand hold ( Pataka-hasta ) and left-hand hold ( Tripataka-hasta ) then it is called kalakyavatar hasta.
Dashaavatar hasta refers to the ten ( inner) souls of Vishnu ( God of Hindu ) perform by various hasta mudra. Vishnu is said to get off in form of a soul to show cosmic( artificial ) arrangement. The word Dashaavatar is identified from das means ‘ten’ and avatar means ‘soul ’which is equal to personification. ‘Dashaavataar’ is explained with several hast mudras with their respective names.
- Matsyaavatarhasta Shloka
Matsyahasta Dashiyitva Tattat : Skadhsamau Karau |
Dhrito Matsyaavatarhasya Hasta Ityamithiyate |
Meaning of Matsyavatarhasta
When your both hands holding Matsya hasta mudra and lifted equal to shoulder is called Matsya avatar hasta.
- Kurmavatarhasta Shloka
Kurmahasta Darshayitva Tattat : Skandhsamau Karau |
Dhritau Kurmavatarhasta Hasta Ityamidhiyate |
Meaning of Kurmavathasta
When both hands are lifted up equal to shoulder by expressing varha-hasta mudra through both hands is called narhavatar-hasta .
- Narsinghavatar Shloka
Vaame Singhmukh Dhritva Danino Tripataakikaa |
Narsinghvataarasya Hasta Datyamidhiyate |
Meaning of Narsinghvatarhasta
When appearance of narsinghavatar is shown through ( Singhmukh-hasta ) on left-hand and ( Tripataka-hasta ) on right-hand it is called narsinghavatar-hasta.
- Vammavatarhasta Shloka
Udhavdho Dhritmushthibhavam Satyaanyaabhyathin ; Yadi Sthin ;|
Saa Vaamnaavataarrsya Hasta Ityamidhiyate \\
Meaning of Vammavatarhasta
If your left hand is in ( mushthi-hasta ) position upwards while right hand is in ( mushthi-hasta ) position downwards it is called vammavatar hasta.
- Parshuramvatarhasta Shloka
Kititatae Nyaasya Daptinopatakikaa \
Dhrita Parshuraamsya Hasta Ityamidhiyate \
Meaning of Parshuramvatarhasta
Left hand is on waist and right-hand is in ( Ardhapataka-hasta ) mudra is called parshuramavatar hasta.
- Ramchandravatarhasta Shloka
Kapitho Dakshin Hasta Vamme Tu Shikhara : Kar : \
Udharva Dhrito Ramchandrahasta Ituchayet Burdhae :\\
Meaning of Ramchandravatarhasta
If ( Kapith-hasta ) mudra is shown through right-hand and ( Shikahr-hasta ) mudra is shown through left-hand it is called ramchandravatar hasta.
- Balramavatarhasta Shloka
Ptaako Dakshin Haste Mushtivarmkare Tathaa/
Balramvatarhasta Hasta Ityochayate Budhae \
Meaning of Balaramvatarhasta
When balaramavatar hasta is represented through right-hand showing ( Pataka-hasta ) mudra and left-hand showing ( Mushthi-hasta ) mudra is called balaramavatar hasta.
- Krishnavatarhasta Shloka
Mrighshishe Tu Hastaaryaamanyonyaabhipurve Krite
Upaasyopkaraathe Kripaansyahasta Ituchayate Kughe
Meaning of Krishnavatarhasta
If ( Mrigshish-hasta ) is represented through both hands, left-hand facing innerwards and right-hand is facing outerwards it is called krishnavatar hasta.
- Kalakyavatarhasta Shloka
Ptaako Dakshine Vaame Tripataak : Karo Dhrit :}
Kalakyakyaakhyasyaavataarsya Hasta Ityathighiyate
Meaning of Kalakyavatarhasta
If right-hand hold ( Pataka-hasta ) and left-hand hold ( Tripataka-hasta ) then it is called kalakyavatar hasta.
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