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Introduction : Bhramari Bheda

Introduction : Bhramari Bheda

“ Bhramari” is meant by taking a turn. This movement is possible only through foot. Thererfore, bhramari bheda is kept under the pada- karma. In Natyashastra there is no description of bhramari bheda but it is acquired from various shastra grantha. In Abhinaya Darpan there are total 7 types of bhramari bheda with their names ;

  • Utlupt

  • Chakrabhramari

  • Garudbhramari

  • Ekpaadbhramari

  • Kunchitbhramari

  • Aakaashbhramari

  • Angabhramari



Brhamarilashnama Shloka

Bhramayara    Lakshargaayantra    Vadye    Laksharagbheda :

Utluptbhramari     Chakrabhramari    Garudbhramari |

Tathaikpadbhramari   Kunchitbhramari    Tathaa

Aakaashbhramari     Chaitra    Tthaangbhramariti   Cha |

Bhrmayara : Spta    Vigyeya     Natyashastravisharadae :


According to the Acharya of ‘Natyashastra’ there will be a short description of seven types of bhramari bheda ( within the dance ) and their purpose.


  • Utplutbhramari Shloka

Rithatava    Smaabhyaama    Padabhyamutplutya   Bhraampedyati

Sarvangmntrale     ( .Rerag )    Syadutplutbhramari      ( Vansau )


Meaning of Utplutbhramaribhramari Bheda

If both feet are placed together in position of sampada, taking jump with the whole part of body and makes a complete circle is called utplut-bhramari bheda.



  •                                     Chakrabhramari Shloka

                   Bhuvi   Padau    Muhu : Karshastripatakau    Karau   Vahana

                  Chakravada    Bhramatae    Yatra   Sa   Chakrabhramari    Bhaveta |



Meaning of Chakrabhramari Bheda


Keeping the toes on ground and making a complete circle with ( Tripataka-hasta ) mudra shown by both hands is called chakrabhramari-bheda.



  • Garudbhramari Shloka

                  Tiryak    Prasayaekpaadma     Pashchanjanu    Bhuvi    Vipeta

                  Smyaka  Prasarya  Vaahy   Dwaau  Bhramyaedagarudo  Bhavet |


Meaning of Garudbhramari Bheda

Sitting on knee, stretching the foot, taking a round in position of bent knee    and both hands are outstretched is called garudbhramari-bheda.


  • Ekpaadbhramari Shloka

     Bhramyedekmeken    Paadar    Paaden   Stvarama

     Sa   Twekpaadbhramari    Bhavediti     Vinishchita


Meaning of Ekppadbhramari Bheda


Taking a turn quickly on first foot which is already located through second foot is called ekpaadbhramari-bheda.


  • Kunchitbhramari Shloka

Nikunchya    Jaanu   Bhramranga   Kunchitbhramao   Bhavet |


Meaning of Kunchitbhramari Bheda


Taking a turn in situation of folded  knees is called kunchitbrhamari-bheda.


  • Aakaashbhrahamari Shloka

                         Utplutya    Padau   Viralau    Kritvaa    Padau    Prasaryap |

                         Bhramyeta    Saklama      Gaatramakashabhramari    Bhavet |


Meaning of Aakaashbhramari Bheda

Both legs are completely stretched out and keep at the distance then jump on whole feet turning around and land in sampad is called akaashbhramari-bheda.


  • Angabhramari Shloka

Vitstyantreitau    Padau    Kritvangabhramranga   Tathaa

Tishthedyadi     Bhaedangbhramari      Bhartodita }


Meaning of Angrabhramari Bheda


Keeping both legs at the distance of 12 half, stop for a while is called angabhrahamri-bheda.
















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