Shiro Bheda (Head Movement) in Bharatanatyam
The first important part of the human body is the head. In dance movement of the head is important for everyone. Shiro means ‘head’ and bheda means ‘movements’. Shiro bheda help us classify different movements of how we move our head. The head movement in Shiro bheda is not less than compared to Abhinaya (Bharatanatyam). Acharya Nandikeshwar has described 9 types of different Shiro bheda in Natyashastra with shlokas such as :
"Samamudvahitam Adhomukhaalolitam Dhutam
Kampita Cha Pravrittamutkshiptam Parivahitam
Navadhaa Kathitam Sheersham
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Head Movements[/caption]

Nischalam samamkhyatam yanntyatritavarjitam
Eg: Samshir bheda is used to express anger.
Udahitshiro jnneyamurvabhagotratannama
Eg: Udahit shir is used for looking towards the sky.
Adhstatramitam vaktramadhomukhamitiritam
Eg: Adhomukh shir is used for showimg sorrow.
Maradlakarmudbhrantmalolitam shiro bhavet
Eg: Alolita shir is used to show uncontrollable laughter.
Vamadakshiragabhageshu chalitam tadhutam shir
Eg: Dhrutamshir is used for rejection.
Urdhadho bahaagachalitam tachira: kampitam bhavet
Eg: Kampit shir is used to indicate direction.
Paranmukhikritam shrisha pravritamitiritam
Eg: Paravrita shir is used for showing shyness.
Parshwodhrawabhaagachalitmutacaliam kathyate shir
Eg: Utkshipt shir is used for helping someone.
Pasharvayoshchamarmiva tatamchet parivahitam
Eg: Parivahita shir is used for praising the deities.
These head positions are used while performing a particular ‘bhava’ to denote action.
The name ‘Bharatanatyam’ is derived from the word "Bharata’’ and thus associated with Natyashastra.
Bharatanatyam is considered incomplete without bhedas and the expressive eye movements of the performer.
Neck and eye movements are used extensively in the dance form.
Introduction of Shiro Bheda
The first important part of the human body is the head. In dance movement of the head is important for everyone. Shiro means ‘head’ and bheda means ‘movements’. Shiro bheda help us classify different movements of how we move our head. The head movement in Shiro bheda is not less than compared to Abhinaya (Bharatanatyam). Acharya Nandikeshwar has described 9 types of different Shiro bheda in Natyashastra with shlokas such as :
"Samamudvahitam Adhomukhaalolitam Dhutam
Kampita Cha Pravrittamutkshiptam Parivahitam
Navadhaa Kathitam Sheersham
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Samshir, Udahitshir, Adhomukhshir, Alolitshir, Dhrutamshir, Kampitshir, Paravritashir, Utkshiptshir & Parivahitashir.

Samshir shloka
Nischalam samamkhyatam yanntyatritavarjitam
- Samshir bheda: When there is no movement of the head is called samshir bheda. In this bheda head is in still position.
Eg: Samshir bheda is used to express anger.
Udahitashir shloka
Udahitshiro jnneyamurvabhagotratannama
- Udahitshir bheda: in this bheda face is raised upwards which is called udahitshir bheda.
Eg: Udahit shir is used for looking towards the sky.
Adhomukhamshir shloka
Adhstatramitam vaktramadhomukhamitiritam
- Adhomukhshir bheda: When the face is bent downwards it is called adhomukhshir bheda.
Eg: Adhomukh shir is used for showimg sorrow.
Alolitatshir shloka
Maradlakarmudbhrantmalolitam shiro bhavet
- Alolitashir bheda : Movement of head in circle manner is called alolitshir bheda.
Eg: Alolita shir is used to show uncontrollable laughter.
Dhutshir shloka
Vamadakshiragabhageshu chalitam tadhutam shir
- Dhrutamshir bheda: When the head moves from (left to right) or (right to left) is called for dhrutamshir bheda.
Eg: Dhrutamshir is used for rejection.
Kampitshie shloka
Urdhadho bahaagachalitam tachira: kampitam bhavet
- Kampitshir bheda: When the head is shaken up and down manner is called kampitshir bheda.
Eg: Kampit shir is used to indicate direction.
Paravritashir shloka
Paranmukhikritam shrisha pravritamitiritam
- Paravritashir bheda: In this bheda head is quickly turned to one side is called paravritashir bheda.
Eg: Paravrita shir is used for showing shyness.
Utkshiptshir shloka
Parshwodhrawabhaagachalitmutacaliam kathyate shir
- Utkshiptshir bheda: In this bheda head is turned to a side and raised is called utkshiptshir beda.
Eg: Utkshipt shir is used for helping someone.
Parivahitashir shloka
Pasharvayoshchamarmiva tatamchet parivahitam
- Parivahitashir bheda: In this bheda head moves side to side very fast is called parivahitashir bheda.
Eg: Parivahita shir is used for praising the deities.
These head positions are used while performing a particular ‘bhava’ to denote action.
The name ‘Bharatanatyam’ is derived from the word "Bharata’’ and thus associated with Natyashastra.
Bharatanatyam is considered incomplete without bhedas and the expressive eye movements of the performer.
Neck and eye movements are used extensively in the dance form.
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