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About Bharatnatyam, history, and dance styles

About Bharatnatyam

Our country is big in relation to the subject of dance. The roots of Bharatnatyam dance is connected with Ved Puran and Natyashastra of India. Roots of dance started from rituals of Bhagavata Mela & Koravangi dance rituals. In relation to pure Granth worshipping Lord Shiva, the dancers were positioned. These dancers were got famous with the name of ( Devdasi ). The formation of dance was found in Tamil Granth. The time period between ( 500 BC to 500 AD ).

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Information about Bharatnatyam

The foundation of Bharatnatyam dance was done by Shantikuttu in a major form of a dancing presentation by Shantikuttu and Vinod kuttu . Then this dance was presented by (Devdasi) in the temple. So, this classical dance was started calling by the name of (Dasiattam). As a result and development of dance of contribution and time period ( Maratha Raja ) presenting Bharatanatyam were known as ( Sadir ). After the beginning of 10th-century Bharatnatyam was formed in South India. Thereafter in the development of Bharatnatyam in (Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh & Kerala ), there is major contribution and success is given to Tamilnadu. The Brehdeshvar temple was built by ( Rajraj Chol ). In this temple,300 ( Devdasiya ) perform. The four brothers residing here Chinnaiya, Ponnaiya, Shivanand and Vardivelu give this main face. These brothers performed Bharatnatyam in a time period ( Marathi Raja ), and he saw these brothers performing in the temple they were under the guidance of Musician Muttuswami Dikshiktar on an immediate direction for giving basic education of Bharatnatyam. Because of the hard work of all these brothers from ( Alaripu ) to ( Shlokam ) are a major part of Bharatnatyam. Devdasi system was also criticized because of the Emperor's ruler. But because of the hard work of legendary dancer ( Rukmini Devi, Shri. E.krishna Ayyar ), etc artists give major form to ( expression, Raag and beat )  Bharatnatyam was beautifully represented. In 1936 in the direction of the establishment of the art area goes to Sm. Rukmini Devi. Now after getting independent of our country Institution, Big institution, Natya academy, etc on another place in (Bharatnatyam ) system is increasing towards progress day by day. Bharatanatyam is one of the oldest and most popular forms of classical dance that originated in ( Tanjore ) district of ( Tamil Nadu ). This dance form is known as the ( Bharata Muni’s Natyastra ).

This dance was taught by the (gurus) and was originally practised by a group of temple dancers called (Devadasis). The classical dance consists of different hast mudras such as ( Single hast ) mudra: Tripitaka, Ardhapataka, Kartari Mukha, Mayur, Araal, Shukhtund & Musthi, etc & on other hands ( Both hast ) mudras: Anjali, Kapota, Katkamukha, Swastika, Samputa & Chakra, etc. Mainly classical dance is represented on ( Carnatic ) classical music. In this dance instrument ( Tattakadi ) is used to produce beats on which classical dance is represented. The classical dance is mainly devoted to the three main gods: Brahma ( the creator ), Vishnu ( the protector ) & Shiva ( the destroyer ). As it is said that this dance was created by ( Shiva ) also known as the lord of the dance. ( Navarasa ) refers to the nine expressions often show in representing Bharatanatyam. These are known as ( Shringaara ), Hasya ( laughter ), Karuna ( crying ). Veebhatas ( disgusting )Surprise (adbhuta) & Fear (bhayaanak) etc .

There are 7 stages of Bharatanatyam :

  • Alarippu,

  • Jatiswaram,

  • habdam ,

  • Varnam,

  • Padam,

  • Thillana,

  • Shlokam.


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